Become a Feature Business Partner

Would you like your business to be featured on our website? As a Business Partner of United Financial Credit Union you can! Simply fill out the questionnaire about your business and send in a logo. Once we receive the information, we will post your business on our...

3 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacation

The world is just asking to be explored, but with the cost of vacation sitting at an average of $1,145 per person in 2013, a trip this year may require some price cuts. Do a home budget analysis before you plan a trip, and if applicable, check on the currency rate of...

50th Anniversary

United Saginaw Credit Union was formed in 1964 to serve a small group of tool and die workers in the Bridgeport area. What started out in the home of one of our founding members, James & Doris Hubbell,  eventually grew into our main office on Dixie Highway near...