3 Ways to Save Money on Your Vacation

The world is just asking to be explored, but with the cost of vacation sitting at an average of $1,145 per person in 2013, a trip this year may require some price cuts. Do a home budget analysis before you plan a trip, and if applicable, check on the currency rate of...

Tips for Summer Travel

Going Away? Tips to Not Go Broke With summer vacation just around the corner just keep in mind – you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good time. Here are tips for keeping costs down on vacation: Fly during the week. Airline rates are generally more...

Win prizes by saving money and paying down debt!

Wouldn’t it be nice to be rewarded for doing the right thing – like saving money and paying down debt? That’s just what United Financial Credit Union is doing for its members with SaveUp. SaveUp is a new online program that rewards you when you save money or pay bills...