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Banzai Financial Education

Experience real-world financial literacy in a fun, safe way.

As a valued member of United Financial Credit Union, we are committed to serving YOU. And as a benefit to you, we are providing you with free access to money management and financial education services.

United Financial Credit Union has teamed up with Banzai in order to bring you Banzai Direct, the financial literacy program used by millions of teachers and students around the country, to you and your home, for FREE. Experience real-world financial literacy in a fun, safe way.

Educators: We sponsor local schools and provide Banzai for free to your classroom, see if you school is eligible – click here

Parents: Learn how Banzai content covers financial topics from basic budgeting to complex tax code. Learn more or get started for free – click here

Program curriculum includes three different programs that the whole family can learn from and enjoy: Banzai Junior (ages 8-12), Banzai Teen (ages 13-18), or Banzai Plus for adults. You pick the content level when you enroll below.

As a member, you also have access to this additional information:


  • Rewards - Choose a reward, complete the requirements, and claim your prize! Learn great financial information and earn a reward at the same time!
  • Coaches – will walk you through different scenarios – saving for retirement, build an emergency fund, etc.
  • Courses – Banzai Junior, Teen or Plus – these are the same courses the school uses – but are now available for all members to use. When you starts a course you can create an account and then start and stop as needed.
    • Complete the course and receive a special offer from United Financial Credit Union.
  • Calculators – interactive calculators for multiple scenarios
  • Collections – view everything in one spot regarding certain topics (example: Managing a Crisis, Buying a Home)