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Don’t miss the IRA contribution deadline.

Don’t miss the IRA contribution deadline. Be sure to make your 2017 IRA contribution before April 18. Fully funding your IRA for 2017 (and 2018) could mean a tremendous boost toward saving for retirement. If you’ve been contributing $50 or $100 to an IRA each month,...

Consolidate Your Post-Holiday Debt

  Your holiday high is crashing. The joy of splurging on your loved ones has hit the hard reality of all those bills coming due. One way to get back on track financially is to consolidate your post-holiday debt. Spending a few minutes now to decide how you should...

You Don’t Have to Go Broke Attending Holiday Parties

Oh, the woes of being popular during the holidays. Each party invitation comes with an unwritten expectation to spend money on transportation, a host gift and a festive outfit. But party hopping doesn’t have to be expensive. Cut yourself some slack and accept these...

How to Keep Your Finances Warm this Winter

When you live in the north, winter’s deep freeze can cost you cold hard cash. Turn the thermostat up and watch your bank account plummet along with the temperature. Before your personal finances hit zero along with the thermometer, learn how to keep your finances warm...

Your Year-End Financial Checklist

Seven aspects of your financial life to review as the year draws to a close. Provided by Jonathan P. Dekker     The end of a year makes us think about last-minute things we need to address and good habits we want to start keeping. To that end, here are seven...

Three Helpful Tips to Get Your Credit Back on Track

  Whether you experienced a job loss or a lengthy illness, you aren’t alone if a financial setback has damaged your credit. You don’t need to be told that you need good credit. What you need are helpful tips to get your credit back on track. It might take some...